
桓台县 磨石砖模具 生产商

品牌: 正同
规格: qq:411517116
厂家: 盛发模具厂
价钱: 13803127375
单价: 10.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 999999 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 保定市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-14 11:18
桓台县  磨石砖模具  生产商正同彩砖模具模具厂(182 3333 4000 崔总) 磨石砖模具花窗除了在围墙墙头上使用外,还有较为常见的便是在厕所墙头上使用, 磨石砖模具既可以达到美观的效果还能对厕所内空气的排换起到一定的作用。
 磨石砖模具采用PP聚丙烯塑料为主要注塑原料, 磨石砖模具浇筑过程中有很好的韧性,多次脱模敲打下也能保持模具周围不破损,正同塑业除了对花窗模具设计上有研究外,对于市政上使用的彩砖、 磨石砖模具等等塑料模具均有生产,欢迎广大客户前来选购。
Huantai County Grinding Brick Mould Manufacturer Zhengtong Colorful Brick Mould Factory (182 333 4000 Cui General) Grinding Brick Mould Flower Window in addition to the use of the wall, there is a more common use is in the toilet wall, Grinding Brick Mould can achieve beautiful results can also play a certain role in the toilet air exchange.

Grinding brick mould uses PP polypropylene plastic as the main injection material. Grinding brick mould has good toughness in pouring process. It can also keep the surrounding of the mould undamaged by demoulding and knocking for many times. In addition to the research on the design of window mould, Zhengtong Plastic Industry also produces coloured brick, Grinding brick mould and other plastic moulds for Municipal use. Welcome customers to choose and buy them.

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