

品牌: 德州豪烁
单价: 26.00元/公斤
供货总量: 5563530 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 山东 德州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-03-11 10:15
Boron polyethylene plate is the modified polyethylene plate products, in order to prevent the seed or electronic computer room radiation harm the human body and made before ago, people usually use lead plate to application as the main plank of radiation protection plate, lead plate itself is actually a threat to human body health, though radiation is to prevent the secondary damage to mankind also nots allow to ignore, then after some physical testing found ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plate itself has anti-radiation characteristics, but the insufficient place is met very strong radiation ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plate for radiation protection has some far-fetched, after a long time experts study found that boron element can effectively prevent the radiation protection against radiation, even the great discovery let expert does it one brace up, but he is just a kind of boron element powder body how to just can be made into plank to isolate radiation? This is really a headache thing, because it is difficult to dissolve in boron element is characteristic of low boiling inside some plates, and you haven't the strength of the plate, that how to do? Experiments for the first time was in June 2001 technology add boron element in ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene materials to make sheet, but there's a world of difference and thought that is due to the
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