
Bottle brushing(washing) machine

品牌: 同盛
单价: 48000.00元/台
供货总量: 1 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 山东 潍坊市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-03-19 10:33
Bottle brushing(washing) machine
Features and Technical parameters
1.It's could brush the external label and the inner wall in the same time , improved the production efficiency , reduced the labour intensity .
2.Reasonable design , small in size , stable and reliable performance , high production efficiency , easy to operate and maintain .
3.The special requirements of DSP-36 type bottle
brushing equipment
(1).It is suitable for the round bottle
(2).All the bottles should be soaked before put the bottles in the machine;if the bottle was polluted by the oil or others , this bottle should be soaked by the alkaline water or other chemicals ,then it is could put in the machine .
4.Main technical parameters
Production capacity : 4000 bottles/h
The length of the bottle apply : as the user needs to made
The dia. of bottleneck : 12mm-60mm
The dia of bottle body : 60mm-80mm (If the special could custom-made)
Total power : 4Kw/380V
Total weight : 1200Kg
Overall dimensions:1950mm×1240mm×1300mm(L*W*H)
Shandong Qingzhou city Tongsheng Packing Machine Co.,Ltd
Tel:086-0536-3298201 (13792637227)

Video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjg0NTcwNzQ4.html
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