广告:热烈庆祝【AP Accreditation ServiceLtd】成为全球资源网"战略合作伙伴关系企业"!
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Brand Official Accreditation http://www.ap-ser.cn

单价: 8992.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 9944 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 安徽 合肥市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-06-01 16:15
1. Ask: what type of authentication is brand authentication?AP Authentication Servicess http://www.ap-ac.cn,Brand Official Authentication http://www.ap-cc.cn
Answer: Article 17 of Regulations of the PRC on Certification and Accreditation stipulates that the state practices and promotes certification of products, services and management systems in light of the need of economicand social development.http://www.ap-as.cn
Our country has the above three types of authentication in total.about AP Authentication Services ap-as.cn
Brand authentication is short for “evaluation authentication of business enterprise brand”. Just like evaluation criteria authentication for after-sale services of goods, it belongs to authentication of services.http://www.ap-as.cn,334 Tunxi Road Hefei, Anhui China 23001,What happens after certification www.ap-as.cn
The abbreviation of brand authentication is BE, and the abbreviation of evaluation criteria authentication for after-sale services of goods is CAS.
AP Accreditation Ltd http://www.ap-ac.cnNo.26 document of the State Council in 2014 – Guide by the State Council on Accelerating the Development of Producer Services and Promoting Industrial Structure Adjustment and Upgrade focuses on strengthening the authentication of inspection and detection, improving after-sale services and paying attention to brand construction. The guide specially proposes to “encourage enterprises to develop towards the top of value chain”, “focus on marketing and brand services, and develop modern marketing systems”. It require to “encourage knowledge innovation, technology innovation and model innovation with independent intellectual property rights, actively create famous brands, enhance unique cultural characteristics, lead consumption with brands, drive manufacturing and promote the formation of evaluation mechanism for brand value with Chinese characteristics”.http://www.ap-as.cn
AP Accreditation Ltd http://www.ap-ac.cn
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