广州容信塑胶制品有限公司是最专业的广东3M EPS 200热缩套管厂家。
3M EPS 200热缩套管广州容信 3M热缩套管
工作QQ:108272601王先生13922715087 http://www.gzrongxing.com
3 M. EPS-200 is a 2:1 thin-wall tubing
o ffering the advantages of integral
adhesive-lined construction. The tubing
is made from a flame-retardant, flexible
polyolefin with a thin layer of special
thermoplastic adhesive. The heat-
shrinkable outer wall is selectively cross-
linked while maintaining the high flow
and excellent adhesion of the inner
sealant liner.
When heated in excess of 121°C
(250°F), EPS-200 rapidly shrinks to a
skintight fit, forcing the melted adhesive
lining to flow and cover the substrate.
The adhesive forms a flexible bond with
a wide variety of rubbers, plastics and
metals. Upon cooling, the adhesive
solidifies forming a permanent, nondrying,
flexible and water resistant
b a r r i e r. EPS-200 is rated for operation at
–55°C (–67°F) to 110°C (230°F).
Adhesive reflow will occur at
temperatures above 80°C (176°F). 3M EPS 200热缩套管厂家咨询电话:020-61135781