
在线流量监视器乐泰97211 loctite

品牌: 乐泰
单价: 1.00元/支
起订: 1 支
供货总量: 100 支
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 天津
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-10-12 11:13
 在线流量监视器乐泰97211 loctite

在线流量监视器乐泰97211 loctiteThe Loctite In-line Flow Monitor Pre-amplifier (P/N 97211) when integrated with the Loctite Dual Channel Automatic Controller, # 97152; Dispense Valves; and Pressure Sensor Transducer # 8965008 provides effective monitoring of dispense cycle performance.

The Loctite In-Line Flow Monitor amplifies a pressure signal from a dispense valve and relays it to the Controller to be compared against preset dispensing tolerances. The Controller will send an error alarm when dispense events deviate by more than the pre-set tolerance. The system will not allow another dispense cycle to occur until the error is cleared by an operator or external control source. The system can be used as an independent operator controlled work station or interface to an external PLC.


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