
Shanghai BoMi Industrial co.,ltd.Industrial Clay

品牌: 上海博米实业有限公司
单价: 1.00元/件
供货总量: 1 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-06-18 08:52
Company profile

Quanzhou BoMi Industry Co., LTD is currently the only independent research and development production enterprise of industrial clay in China.
Founded in 1997, the primary is for industrial product paint design, model making and a full range of products providing the necessary tools for designers in the design process of a company.
Our aim is to China's automobile industry, motor industry, appliance industry and the department of industrial design in colleges and universities, and other units to provide the most comprehensive and professional materials, tools, and a full range of services.
In sales of products at the same time we are also committed to make the value of the product in the process of the customer using to get a maximum reflect,
Also make our contribution to the development of the transport design industry.
In order to provide customers with more convenient product information and purchase ,We Shanghai BoMi Industry Co., LTD was founded in 2008, and supplement on the structure of our product. If you want to know more about our latest product information and more quickly for specific using methods, Welcome to our company's website (www.021yn.com).
Thrift, cost reduction, quality assurance, constantly enhances the vitality and competitiveness is a guarantee for the survival of our business. Hope to get more new customer’s support and help, and put forward some valuable opinions and suggestions.

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