

品牌: 玖德隆机械
产量: 300kg/h
螺杆直径: 62.4mm
重量: 19.5t
单价: 500000.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 江苏 苏州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-07-30 09:43


EVA 树脂




1)挤出机生产能力Q: 每小时挤出的塑料量

2) 比流量:每小时每转一周挤出机生产能力

3) 名义比功率:每小时加工kg塑料所需电机功率

4) 螺杆长径比L/Db:螺杆工作部分长度与螺杆直径比值


6) 驱动螺杆电机功率P:KW

7) 螺杆转速范围:nmin-nmax r/min




单螺杆挤出机作为一种常见的挤出机设备,EVA发泡回收造粒机用于塑料加工行业,单螺杆挤出机一般在有效长度上分为三段,按螺杆直径大小、螺距、螺深确定三段有效长度,一般按各占三分之一划分。  高效单螺杆挤出机采用双阶式整体设计,强化塑化功能,保证了高速高性能稳定挤出,特种屏障综合混炼设计,保证了物料的混炼效果,高剪切低融塑化温度保证了物料的高性能低温低压计量挤出。 在高平直基础上的高速,高产挤出。



EVA resin is widely used. In general, the content of vinyl acetate is below 5%, and its main products are film, wire and cable, LDPE modifier, adhesive and so on.The content of vinyl acetate is 5%~10% of EVA product is elastic thin film, etc.The content of vinyl acetate is 20~28% EVA, mainly used for hot melt adhesives and coating products.The content of vinyl acetate is 5%~45%, the main products are film (including agricultural film) and sheet, injection molding, molding products, foaming products, hot melt adhesives and so on.

EVA granulator


1) extruder production capacity Q: the amount of plastic extruded per hour.

2) ratio flow: extruder production capacity per hour per hour.

3) nominal power: the motor power required to process kg plastic per hour.

4) screw length ratio L/Db: the length of screw working part and screw diameter ratio.

5) screw diameter Db: means large diameter, series standard 20, 30, 45, 65, 90, 120, 150, 165, 200, 250, 300.

6) drive screw motor power P:KW.

7) screw speed range :nmin-nmax r/min.

2, model

150/20 indicates that the diameter of the screw is 150mm and the diameter ratio is 20:1.

Single screw granulator as a kind of common extrusion machine equipment, used for plastics processing industry, single screw extruder generally on the effective length is divided into three sections, according to the screw diameter, screw pitch, the depth of screw to determine three Duan Youxiao length, generally divided each accounted for a third.Efficient single screw extrusion machine adopts double cascade overall design, strengthen the function of plasticizing and pledge the stable extrusion, high speed high performance special barrier mixing design, integrated to ensure the material mixing effect, high shear and low melting plasticizing temperature to ensure the materials of high performance low temperature low pressure measurement.High speed and high yield extrusion on high flat foundation.



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