
CZ 西班牙彩砖模具 批发商

品牌: 盛发
规格: qq:411517116
厂家: 盛发模具厂
价钱: 13803127375
单价: 10.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 999999 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 保定市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-01 10:24
CZ 西班牙彩砖模具 批发商 (182 3333 4000 崔总  qq:411 5171 16 我公司是10多年的老厂,现有2800多个品种规格供您选择。正同模具厂,西班牙彩砖模具 行业领先技术力量雄厚,设备先进,西班牙彩砖模具 是您购买塑料模具的首先品牌。是一家建筑、建材的企业,是经国家相关部门批准注册的企业。主营彩砖模具、西班牙彩砖模具 ,高速铁路模具,水利农田模具,彩砖光亮剂,公司位于中国保定。正同有限公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,西班牙彩砖模具 与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈业务。本公司可以根据客户需求定制各种规格,特殊品种模具。
Spanish color brick mould wholesaler (182 333 4000 Cui total qq: 411 5171 16) Our company is more than 10 years old factory, there are more than 2800 varieties and specifications for you to choose. With the same mould factory, the Spanish color brick mould industry has strong technical force and advanced equipment. Spanish color brick mould is your first brand to buy Plastic mould. Is a construction, building materials enterprises, is approved by the relevant state departments registered enterprises. Main color brick moulds, Spanish color brick moulds, high-speed railway moulds, water conservancy farmland moulds, color brick brightener, the company is located in Baoding, China. In line with the principle of "customer first, honesty first", Spanish color brick mould has established long-term cooperation with many enterprises. Warmly welcome friends from all walks of life to visit, investigate and negotiate business. The company can customize various specifications, special varieties of molds according to customer needs.
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