
CZ 塑料树池砖模具 直销

品牌: 盛发
规格: qq:411517116
厂家: 盛发模具厂
价钱: 13803127375
单价: 10.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 999999 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 保定市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-01 10:29
CZ 塑料树池砖模具 直销(182 3333 4000 崔总  qq:411 5171 16 塑料树池砖模具有超强的耐磨性:坯料在模型型腔中塑性变性时,沿型腔表面既流动又滑动,塑料树池砖模具使型腔表面与坯料间产生剧烈的摩擦,塑料树池砖模具从而导致模型因磨损而失效。所以材料的耐磨性是模型最基本、最重要的性能之一。塑料树池砖模具硬度是影响耐性的主要因素。一般情况下,花砖墙模具零件的硬度越高,磨损量越小,耐磨性也越好。塑料树池砖模具另外,耐磨性还与材料中碳化物的种类、数量、形态、大小、分布尤其是密度有关。
Plastic Tree Pool Brick Mould Direct Pin (182 334 000 Cui Total qqq:411 5171 16) Plastic Tree Pool Brick Mould has super wear resistance: When the blank plastic denaturation in the model cavity, it flows and slides along the surface of the cavity. Plastic Tree Pool Brick Mould causes severe friction between the surface of the cavity and the blank. Plastic Tree Pool Brick Mould results in the mould. Type A is invalid due to wear. So the wear resistance of materials is one of the most basic and important properties of the model. The hardness of the mould of plastic tree pool brick is the main factor affecting the durability. Generally speaking, the harder the brick wall die parts are, the smaller the wear amount is and the better the wear resistance is. In addition, the wear resistance of plastic tree pool brick mould is also related to the type, quantity, shape, size, distribution, especially density of carbides in the material.



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