
高青县 圆弧防滑砖模具 销售价

品牌: 正同
规格: qq:411517116
厂家: 盛发模具厂
价钱: 13803127375
单价: 10.00元/件
起订: 1 件
供货总量: 999999 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河北 保定市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2018-12-14 11:19
 高青县  圆弧防滑砖模具 销售价  正同彩砖模具模具厂(182 3333 4000 崔总)圆弧防滑砖模具 这款彩砖塑料模具其用料上采用ABS塑料为主要生产原料,彩砖模盒其使用场地为人行步道上使用,圆弧防滑砖模具 主要能够起到美化城市人行步道,使城市面貌更加美丽。
 圆弧防滑砖模具 在外观上主要有多个半圆梅花组成,圆弧防滑砖模具 中间由多个条纹组成,其主要能增加制作成型的水泥彩砖与行人鞋面之间的摩擦力,圆弧防滑砖模具 在使用过程中可以在彩砖预制品制作完成后,圆弧防滑砖模具 在彩砖表面上涂抹不一样的颜色,
The sale price of arc anti-skid brick mould in Gaoqing County is exactly the same as that of the color brick mould factory (182 3333 4000 Cui Zong). This kind of color brick plastic mould uses ABS plastic as the main raw material. The color brick mould box is used on the sidewalk. The arc anti-skid brick mould can beautify the city sidewalk and make the city more beautiful.

The circular arc anti-skid brick mould is mainly composed of several semi-circular plum blossoms in appearance. The arc anti-skid brick mould is composed of several stripes in the middle. It can increase the friction between the formed cement color brick and the pedestrian shoe upper. The arc anti-skid brick mould can be used in the process of making the pre-made color brick. After the arc anti-skid brick mould is finished, different colors are applied on the surface of the color brick. ,

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