

品牌: 豪烁
单价: 25.00元/公斤
供货总量: 5563360 公斤
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 山东 德州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-01-30 10:53
Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene sheet English abbreviation is UHMW-PE board.
The origin of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene board is USA. That is an American invention and production of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene sheet. Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene sheet is a kind of thermoplastic engineering plastic, its production process is packing - heating - pressure - temperature - die. Although it is made very simple, actually otherwise ultra high molecular weight polyethylene board production must have certain experience and unique technology, especially the ratio of raw materials and the heating and cooling time directly affect the performance of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene plate.
Properties of ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene board: light weight, impact resistance, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance, ultraviolet resistance, aging resistance, low friction coefficient, non-toxic, non polluting, not easy adhesion, excellent performance of foreign body can absorb the vibration and noise etc.. Is the best material instead of metal material. Use the plate to manufacture products of other properties of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene due to metal products available
UHMW-PE 羊年新片UHMWPE抗磨板厂家咨询电话:0534-5563363
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